Hoarding Meaning?

Hoardings are the large advertising boards erected on top of buildings or road sides, which can prominently feature printed graphics and designs. While these panels can be hosting with vinyl or flex, they’re hugely effective as the basis for an outdoor advertising campaign.

There is being a bit of confusion over the British vs American definitions of what hoardings advertising are. In the US, hoardings can refer to roadside advertisement panels – such as billboards – which can make things a little confusing. In the UK, hoardings mainly refer to the protective panels that protect the public from construction sites, but in India Hoardings refer to Large Advertising display boards .These are a legal requirement, and so any construction site in a public place will have a set of these – making for plentiful advertising opportunities!

Hoarding  Definition :A very large sign in a public place on which advertisements are shown: advertising hoardings, A number of buildings have been demolished, with hoardings put up around the empty spaces.

How to design a artwork for hoarding?

Hoarding design is the artwork which will use for displaying advertising in hoarding. Your artwork will only be visible for a few seconds at a time. Good hoarding designs communicate without a lot of content. In fact, most travelers will stop reading after five words. Try to convey the essence of a creative rather than describing it with prose.

Use the correct Ad dimensions:

The hoarding you choose will determine the dimensions of the artwork that you will need to create. The ads you submit must match the pixel size of the hoardings they will appear on. Hoarding sizes vary by board. The required sizes for your artwork are listed as “ad size” in the board display information for each hoarding individually. This information can be found after you select a hoarding board during the campaign set-up process.

How much does a Hoarding or billboard cost?

Hoardings or Billboards are priced according to size, location, and length of agreement. We offer competitive pricing based on your needs. Please feel free to search on search bar type location and city vise.

How do I place my Outdoor media booking?

Search the media location and town vise, once you have finished adding media to booking cart and are ready to complete your transaction, move your cursor to the Top-right corner of the screen and click on the “Booking cart” button. You will then be transferred to our secure server and asked to either create a new account or place an order without an account.

How do I view what’s in my ooh media booking cart?

To view the contents of your cart, click on the “Booking cart” icon in the upper-right corner of your computer screen. Once you click on this icon, you can easily change the number of copies you want to booking Ooh space of a particular media in your cart by updating the campaign in months listed and then clicking the “Update cart” link. You can also delete any item in your cart by clicking the “Remove” check box to the left of that item and then updating your cart with the “Update cart” link.

Will you help me design my billboard?

Sorry, we are only outdoor media providers, right now this service not available here.

How do I add items to Media Plan?

To add to Media Plan navigate to the page of the media you are interested in and then choose your desired media from that plan (for media plan share to social media and mail also). When you click the “Add to Booking Cart” link, you will be brought to your “Booking cart” page where you can then enter the duration of the ad campaign that you would like to booking using the “campaign in months” field on the right side of the screen. After you have entered duration, you can continue booking or choose to complete your booking order.

Where do you have Hoardings in India?

We have over 18 States in India. We are expanding our operations all over India, Please go to the Location tab and take a look to see if we match up to your area of interest!

How can I sign into my account on the booking store and/or edit the information in my account?

If you have previously purchased or booked media or made an online booking, then you may have opted to create a personal account in our website.  If so, you can access this account by clicking on the “Log In” link in the upper-left corner of your computer screen. This takes you to a page where you will be prompted to enter the e-mail address and password that you registered with us when you created the account.  If you have forgotten your password, you can create a new one by click on the “Lost  Your password” tab. After your data has been verified, your account data will appear and you can either edit existing information or proceed with the checkout process.

What is the minimum duration of a outdoor campaign?

Our traditional outdoor advertising campaign programs require typically a minimum term of 1 month. However, most programs run 3 months to a year for many reasons, the most obvious of which is savings per month per board (Discounts on long-term campaigns). Strategy, campaign objectives, and budget are the main factors in determining a campaign length.

How will I know that you have received my order?

After you complete the checkout process, a receipt will appear on your screen detailing your final order including booking charges, your billing address, and the booking invoice that are being sent to your mail and our marketing executive will reach you booking address for final conformation and payment. Please keep this receipt for your reference.

You will also receive confirmation via e-mail that we have received your order. (Please be sure to enter your e-mail address correctly on the order form so that we can be sure to deliver your confirmation to you.)

What are your online booking and service charge rates?

No extra charges for online booking after booking conformation service tax 15% allowed on total amount as per government conditions.  All booking media costs are calculated using a Indian Service tax module.

Do you offer discounts or specials?

We offer multiple opportunities for a customer to receive a discount. Our specials run throughout various times of the year. Please Contact Us to learn what we can offer you!

What are your payment options?

We accept Four kind of payment methods 1) Direct Transform to Account   2) Cheque payments 3) cash on delivery 4) Paypal Onine Payment types of major as well as chequs, Net banking transfers (for nonlocal customers only), and Purchase Orders (P.O.) from incorporated organizations.

All checks submitted for payment should be made payable to “Mera Hoardings.” Note that checks must be written in Indian. Rupees and must be drawn from any bank account pay. Any international checks received that are drawn from an international bank will be returned. Also, when placing an order with a check, please be sure to add the appropriate GST tax (18%). If you want flex printing and mounting 10/- per sft flex printing and 5/- per sft mounting charges also, DC, you’ll need to add 6% vat tax to your total as well.

How can I obtain review of my campaign on the booking duration?

After hosting of your creative, campaign starting day and ending day we will send hosted photo copies of proofs (Soft to mail address and hard to billing address), we will insert in “Campaigns” Option at top of our website. we are introduced live campaign monitoring technology to check campaign auditing through live video and photos by “Hello ooH” Technology.

Can I “cancel” a booking after conformation and payment?

Any cancellations after received payments after six days of the original invoice date will be refused.  Unavailability of the media after conformation must be reported and/or returned within 3 days of invoice date.

Returns must be made per invoice; invoices cannot be combined. Requests must be made in writing mail and letter sent to: info@merahoardings.com, sales@merahoardings.com

If you have additional questions about our returns policies, please e-mail our complaints and issues department at complaints@merahoardings.com.


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